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Tonkin (Legion Wargames)

Semper Victor
Papa Schultz
Kim Kanger
17 participants

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1Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Empty Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Dim 20 Juin 2010 - 21:23

Kim Kanger

Kim Kanger

Latest update of the Tonkin map http://www.kangerproject.com/tonkin2/

Tonkin (Legion Wargames) 1_bep11 Tonkin (Legion Wargames) 102-3010

The picture in the VM unit is not final, but I have used it in order to show the counter style. The coloured border will show different categories, like which division the unit belongs to etc.

2Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Empty Re: Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Dim 20 Juin 2010 - 22:35



1BEP is splendid, i do not like the Vietminh (sorry!)
Beautiful map !

3Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Empty Re: Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Mer 7 Juil 2010 - 14:18

Kim Kanger

Kim Kanger

Take a look at the French forces in Tonkin. This is a playtest kit and therefore not the final counters: http://talk.consimworld.com/WebX?50@79.hfLbaEdb7qt.7@.1dd17eb3 (message 344 and 345)

4Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Empty Re: Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Mer 7 Juil 2010 - 14:38



Wonderful job ; when will it be published ?

5Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Empty Re: Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Mer 7 Juil 2010 - 14:43

Kim Kanger

Kim Kanger

As soon as it gets 250 preorders.

6Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Empty Re: Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Mer 7 Juil 2010 - 18:48



Pour ma part, je préfère les pions OTAN surtout si on n'a pas de variété dans les figs. Pourquoi ne pas reprendre l'esprit des counters de VV, ils étaient bien.

Dernière édition par birhacheim le Mer 7 Juil 2010 - 19:00, édité 1 fois


7Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Empty Re: Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Mer 7 Juil 2010 - 18:58



Jolis mais un peu unis Cool


8Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Empty Re: Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Mer 7 Juil 2010 - 19:12

Kim Kanger

Kim Kanger

I will try have a bigger variety of figures. These are really just my working kit.

Birhacheim, I'm sure that you recognize the morale ratings Wink

9Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Empty Re: Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Mer 7 Juil 2010 - 21:08

Kim Kanger

Kim Kanger

Perhaps Hanoi Jane should be in the game as victory points. The question is which side she should be on? Roll Eyes

Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Hanoi_10

10Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Empty Re: Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Mer 7 Juil 2010 - 22:07

Kim Kanger

Kim Kanger

11Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Empty Re: Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Mer 7 Juil 2010 - 22:18



Kim Kanger a écrit:I will try have a bigger variety of figures. These are really just my working kit.

Birhacheim, I'm sure that you recognize the morale ratings Wink

if you need photos to illustrate the counters, I think I have quite a lot to illustrate each unit.


12Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Empty Re: Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Mer 7 Juil 2010 - 22:21

Kim Kanger

Kim Kanger

That could be a good idea. But first test the system and the values on the counters before doing the final ones.

13Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Empty Re: Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Mer 7 Juil 2010 - 22:24



Kim Kanger a écrit:Perhaps Hanoi Jane should be in the game as victory points. The question is which side she should be on? Roll Eyes

Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Hanoi_10

Excellent !!!

14Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Empty Re: Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Mer 7 Juil 2010 - 22:40



Kim Kanger a écrit:Perhaps Hanoi Jane should be in the game as victory points. The question is which side she should be on? Roll Eyes

Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Hanoi_10

Plutôt une petite congai qu'une pin-up pour les français et un commissaire politique pour le vietminh très prude !


15Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Empty Re: Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Jeu 8 Juil 2010 - 14:32

Kim Kanger

Kim Kanger

All of you that want to have this game, please preorder it so that it will reach 250 and perhaps be published by Christmas Imhotep

16Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Empty Re: Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Jeu 8 Juil 2010 - 16:01



Kim Kanger a écrit:All of you that want to have this game, please preorder it so that it will reach 250 and perhaps be published by Christmas Imhotep

Already done ! Obviously !


17Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Empty Re: Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Jeu 8 Juil 2010 - 19:30



Joli petit artcile dans Battles n°4 ! Smile

18Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Empty Re: Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Ven 9 Juil 2010 - 15:04

Kim Kanger

Kim Kanger

Allalalai a écrit:Joli petit artcile dans Battles n°4 ! Smile

Yes, and it will be published by Legion Wargames and not by GMT as it says in the magazine Mad

19Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Empty Re: Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Sam 10 Juil 2010 - 1:08



On avait bien compris jocolor

20Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Empty Re: Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Mer 14 Juil 2010 - 23:28

Kim Kanger

Kim Kanger

The work is intense now. It will soon be the Game of the Month at www.legionwargames.com where you will be able to check the latest rules, scenarios, map etc

Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Legionaire%20at%20Tonkin

21Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Empty Na San setup Ven 16 Juil 2010 - 21:22

Kim Kanger

Kim Kanger

Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Na-san-setup-1

22Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Empty Na San setup Ven 16 Juil 2010 - 21:23

Kim Kanger

Kim Kanger

Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Na-san-setup-2

23Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Empty Re: Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Ven 16 Juil 2010 - 22:17



et bien ça fait envie !
well done !


24Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Empty Re: Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Ven 16 Juil 2010 - 22:43



Pas mal du tout, bon courage pour la dernière ligne droite !

25Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Empty Re: Tonkin (Legion Wargames) Dim 18 Juil 2010 - 18:04

Kim Kanger

Kim Kanger

The Tonkin rules can now be downloaded here: http://www.legionwargames.com/legion_GotM_Tonkin.html

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