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Verdun-like 1916-2016

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1Verdun-like 1916-2016 Empty Verdun-like 1916-2016 Mar 23 Fév 2016 - 1:24



In order to commemorate Verdun, I decided to give you an overview of the 5th scenario. It is called Storm of steel and depicts a typical assault for 1916, with a (very) extensive artillery barrage.

Verdun-like 1916-2016 Img_4910

Once the defender has set his units up, the Sky Domination Phase begins ! All aircraft are committed.

The German player possesses an Ace. He attacks the French player aircraft. He rolls #1. No effect.
Then all aircraft may perform a dogfight.
German #6, French fighter: #2, French reco: #5
The German fighter is destroyed, and the French player decides to destroy his fighter too.

Reconnaissance Phase.
The French players rolls one die for his Reco and one die for his Forward Observer.
Reco #4 (+1 because there's no surviving enemy figther): it reveals 2 sectors
FO #3 (FOs don't use DRM) : it reveals 1 sector.

The French players decides to reveal the German Artillery sector (not on the picture) and the two hex with a "?" marker in the support trenchline. He thought there was a trick nearby. But he is disappointed.

Verdun-like 1916-2016 Img_4911

The Reconnaissance aircraft is removed from play (it is not able to perform strafing attacks).

Artillery barrage

The French player may attack two hexrows. Each will be subject to 2 bombardments. He chooses the J and K (barbed wire) hexrows.
There is no scatter for this type of barrage (Straight barrage).
As per the scenario rules, perform two independant tests for the targeted hexrow (i.e : don't use the +1 for extra Artillery point in the hex)
Each hex of the K hexrows receives 2 TEST markers (place them in the Barbed Wire hex on your left).

Preliminary barrage had some "interesting" effects, but the French player decides to pu the boot in. As per, he may perform up to 3 extra straight barrage (but he will suffer malus on the Surprise Table). He decides to perform 2 more barrages on the K hexrow. He places 2 extra TEST markers in the barbed wire box (for a total of 4) : he really wants to prevent them from stopping his troops. He also decide to perform a last artillery barrage on the J hexrow. A little gap appears (but, by experience, I know that it is far to be sufficient!)

Wind direction : to N-W

He rolls a #6 (+3 as per the scenario special rules +3 for the 3 extra artillery barrage) = no surprise at all. This is the other side of the coin: endless artillery barrage were supposed to destroy barbed wire and kill all enemy soldiers. But there were not so efficient than promised.

The French player set his units on the map. He decides to stack them two by two and to form two groups. He puts his mortars at the center of his system.

Verdun-like 1916-2016 Img_4912

War may now begin !!

Dernière édition par Arnauld le Mar 23 Fév 2016 - 11:54, édité 1 fois


2Verdun-like 1916-2016 Empty Re: Verdun-like 1916-2016 Mar 23 Fév 2016 - 11:35



Carte sympa mais ça manque de relief pour Verdun quand même Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile

3Verdun-like 1916-2016 Empty Re: Verdun-like 1916-2016 Mar 23 Fév 2016 - 11:44



Alors oui, en effet. Mais ce n'est pas Verdun. Je suis en train de réfléchir à une extension pour Verdun avec u e carte dédiée.

Le scénario est un scénario générique destiné à montrer les effets du recours  de plus en plus prononcé à l'artillerie au cours de.l'année.

Le CR est en anglais car je vais ensuite mettre le lien sur BGG.

The aim of this generic scenario is to show the effects of the use of more and more shells during days and weeks.

This action doesn't really take place in Verdun. I think about an expansion dedicated to Verdun.


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