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King Philip's War - MMP

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1King Philip's War - MMP Empty King Philip's War - MMP Jeu 8 Oct 2009 - 8:30



King Philip's War - MMP TKPW-cover-web

Voici un nouveau jeu au sujet fort intéressant...

King Philip’s War 1675-1676 was a momentous example of New England frontier savagery. A loose coalition of angry tribes inspired by the King Philip (the Wampanoag sachem, Metacomet) burned and sacked Pilgrim settlements throughout the colonies of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and the then separate colony of Plymouth. Ultimately, more than 2600 Colonials were captured or killed, Twelve Colonial settlements were completely destroyed and six more heavily damaged. Boston itself very nearly came under attack. At the same time, countless Indian villages were burned and 6000 Indians were slain or captured, and sold into slavery.. In all, 1,200 homes were burned, and vast stores of food destroyed. Metacomet himself was eventually ambushed, beheaded, and quartered.

King Philip’s War can be played in five turns (introductory level) or ten turns, once concepts are fully understood. Each turn will vary in length depending on the uncertain arrival of Indian Allies. Game length between experienced gamers is 1.5 to 3 hours.

In King Philip’s War the Colonial player wins by eliminating the historical leaders of King Philip and Canonchet or being the first to accumulate 30 victory points. The Indian player wins by seizing the settlements of Boston and Plymouth, or by being the first to accumulate 30 victory points.[/b]
Il vient d'apparaitre dans le P500 de MMP...

Tous les détails ici : www.multimanpublishing.com/preorder/viewGame.php?id=71


2King Philip's War - MMP Empty Re: King Philip's War - MMP Jeu 8 Oct 2009 - 9:45



Punaise c'est l'offensive chez MMP, ça a l'air pas mal !

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