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Day of Days- MMP

2 participants

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1Day of Days- MMP Empty Day of Days- MMP Ven 6 Juin 2014 - 8:55




le nouveau SCS même systéme que it never snows

Les 10 premiers jours de la bataille de normandie à l'echelle de la compagnie

This game is both massive and extremely playable, giving players a unique appreciation for the issues involved at the beginning of the invasion. The importance of the initial air-drops, the real potential for brutal German counterattacks, and the need to get off the beaches quickly, all these come into sharp focus within the clean and fast-playing framework of the Standard Combat Series. Players can tackle the US landings separately as single-map scenarios, the Commonwealth landings on two maps, and of course there is the Whole Enchilada.

2Day of Days- MMP Empty Re: Day of Days- MMP Mar 10 Juin 2014 - 21:40



les scénarios

Full campaigns:

Full Campaign: 6/6 - 6/15
After D-Day Campaign: 6/7 - 6/15
Mid-Campaign: 6/10 - 6/15


Utah beach (Map A only): 6/6 - 6/15
Utah beach (Map A only): 6/7 - 6/15
Omaha beach (Map B only): 6/6 - 6/15
Omaha beach (Map B only): 6/7 - 6/15
American beaches (Maps A & B ): 6/6 - 6/15
American beaches (Maps A & B ): 6/7 - 6/15
British beaches (Maps C & D): 6/6 - 6/15
British beaches (Maps C & D): 6/7 - 6/15

Smaller scenarios:

Carentan (part of Map A): 6/10 - 6/14
Cutting off the Contentin (part of Map A): 6/13 - 6/15
Taking Caumont (part of Map B ): 6/12 - 6/15
German D-Day counterattack (parts of maps C & D): 6/6 - 6/7
British thrust to Caen (Maps C & D): 6/7 - 6/12
Villers Bocage (Map C): 6/12 - 6/15

3Day of Days- MMP Empty Re: Day of Days- MMP Mar 10 Juin 2014 - 22:10



Après INS, je pense que je m'attaquerai aussi, solo, à celui là !


4Day of Days- MMP Empty Re: Day of Days- MMP Mar 10 Juin 2014 - 22:30



en attendant la suite de The Grand Tactical Series
the greatest day  sword gold and juno beaches

Day of Days- MMP 988463_284752711685107_6730007449112897549_n

5Day of Days- MMP Empty Re: Day of Days- MMP Mar 10 Juin 2014 - 22:34



ça c'est une autre grosse folie en perspective !  Smile 


6Day of Days- MMP Empty Re: Day of Days- MMP Jeu 12 Juin 2014 - 0:51



trés grosse mais pour l'instant en état de projet
pas encore de précommande!

7Day of Days- MMP Empty Re: Day of Days- MMP Jeu 12 Juin 2014 - 1:56



emmanuel a écrit:trés grosse mais pour l'instant en état de projet
pas encore de précommande!
ouf !  Wink 


8Day of Days- MMP Empty Re: Day of Days- MMP Jeu 12 Juin 2014 - 2:07



qui sera suivi d'omaha/utah .....

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