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Nouveau jeu de Kevin Zucker

4 participants

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1Nouveau jeu de Kevin Zucker Empty Nouveau jeu de Kevin Zucker Jeu 11 Fév 2010 - 9:47



Et oui, ca a pas duré longtemps hehe... Le revoici avec des nouveaux jeux...
Moi il faut voter cette fois pour lui dire ce que le veut...
Il y a 3 options:

Proposal #1: Un jeu NLB

THE COMING STORM QuadriGame of the Fourth Coalition October 1806 - June 1807

These four games explore the major battles of 1806-07, where the French Army encountered two different opponents with different capabilities, from the leadership-challenged Prussians in Saxony to the chaotic battle conditions in winter against the Russians. Based on OSG's Special Studies - which provide a turn by turn narrative of the four battles. Each game shows the approach to the battlefield on the day before battle. The Jena-Auerstädt game has both battlefields on one map and allows both sides to re-deploy before battle. Set at the scale of Napoleon’s Last Battles—525 yards per hex and one hour turns—the game retains the Command System of Commanders and Corps Officers. The package includes FOUR 22" x 34" maps and 560 counters.

BATTLES SIMULATED JENA-AUERSTÄDT–-13-14 October 1806 PULTUSK/GOLYMIN–24-25 December 1806 EYLAU–7-8 February 1807 FRIEDLAND–13-14 June 1807

Components: 4 22 x 34" full-color maps 2 Rulebooks (36 pages and 24 pages) 2" game box 2 counter sheets = 560 units 3 player aid sheets 4 player aid cards 2 decks of 50 playing cards each

Retail Price: $120 Pre-pub: $84 (plus shipping)

Proposal #2 : DAYS GOES EAST

The Pultusk-Golymin, Eylau, and Heilsberg-Friedland Campaigns December 1806 - June 1807

These three Days Series games explore the major battles of 1806-07, where the French Army encountered chaotic battle conditions against the Russians. Based on OSG's Special Studies - which provide a turn by turn narrative of the battles - these tense contests balance on a knife edge. Each game sets up about 4 days prior to the actual historical battles. Set at the scale of Seven Days of 1809—1 mile per hex and six hour turns—the game retains the Command System of Commanders and Corps Officers. The package includes two 22" x 17" maps and 560 counters. The Eylau and Heilsberg-Friedland Campaigns take place on the same game map.


Components: 1 22 x 34" full-color map sheet (two maps per sheet) 1 Rulebook (36 pages) 2" game box 2 counter sheets = 560 units 3 player aid sheets 4 player aid cards

Retail Price: $63 Pre-pub: $44 (plus shipping)

Proposal #3: Dual-Scale Publication

This proposal calls for two different scales of map: both the 1 mi hex version and the 525 yards version would be included.

This solution actually alleviates the lack of "reach" at the Days-scale, as the smaller-scale map extends beyond the reach of the Days-series map. For example, the NLB-style maps run along the road from Landsberg through Eylau to Friedland; while the Days level map cuts-off after Eylau and Schippenbeil (about 12 miles short of Friedland).

This package would include 2 22x34" and one 22x17" mapsheets. One counter mix for both games; divisions can be used on the NLB map... Rules for interfacing across maps.

(Pultusk and Jena-Auerstadt would not be included.)

Indiquez votre préférence ici:



2Nouveau jeu de Kevin Zucker Empty Re: Nouveau jeu de Kevin Zucker Jeu 11 Fév 2010 - 11:40

Semper Victor

Semper Victor

J'ai voté pour #2.


3Nouveau jeu de Kevin Zucker Empty Re: Nouveau jeu de Kevin Zucker Jeu 11 Fév 2010 - 21:13



Moi aussi, vive 2 ! Razz


4Nouveau jeu de Kevin Zucker Empty Re: Nouveau jeu de Kevin Zucker Ven 12 Fév 2010 - 0:30

Semper Victor

Semper Victor

Le 2 avec nous ! Le 2 avec nous !


5Nouveau jeu de Kevin Zucker Empty Re: Nouveau jeu de Kevin Zucker Ven 12 Fév 2010 - 0:50



Un instant, en lisant le titre, j'ai pensé que ça pouvait ne pas être du napoléonien.
Sot que je suis ! Aga aga Smile

Cela dit, quelle différence entre le choix n°2 et "the habit of victory" ?

6Nouveau jeu de Kevin Zucker Empty Re: Nouveau jeu de Kevin Zucker Ven 12 Fév 2010 - 1:29



Ben moi je vote pour le 1, pour Pultusk et Golymin. Jamais vu un jeu sur ces deux batailles. Et Pultusk est une bataille héroïque (18000 Français contre 40000 Russes, si c'est pas épique!)

7Nouveau jeu de Kevin Zucker Empty Re: Nouveau jeu de Kevin Zucker Ven 12 Fév 2010 - 10:57

Semper Victor

Semper Victor

Cela dit, quelle différence entre le choix n°2 et "the habit of victory" ?



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