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Vercingetorix (ATO)

pascal h
Semper Victor
7 participants

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1Vercingetorix (ATO) Empty Vercingetorix (ATO) Mer 23 Oct 2013 - 22:05

Semper Victor

Semper Victor

ATO annonce ce jeu sur Facebook :

Vercingetorix (ATO) 13856_1378698_689518434393598_1809650336_n

Il est conçu par Richard H. Berg, je en sais exactement pour quand il est prévu.

« Quis custodiet ipsos custodes ? » Juvénal.


2Vercingetorix (ATO) Empty Re: Vercingetorix (ATO) Jeu 24 Oct 2013 - 13:07


Si c'est de Berg, avec les mêmes mécanismes que ceux de Boudicca ?

3Vercingetorix (ATO) Empty Re: Vercingetorix (ATO) Jeu 24 Oct 2013 - 14:32

Semper Victor

Semper Victor

Je suppose...

« Quis custodiet ipsos custodes ? » Juvénal.


4Vercingetorix (ATO) Empty Re: Vercingetorix (ATO) Jeu 24 Oct 2013 - 16:56

pascal h

tres bien boudicca. Je suis preneur si c'est le même système.

5Vercingetorix (ATO) Empty Re: Vercingetorix (ATO) Jeu 24 Oct 2013 - 17:14

Semper Victor

Semper Victor

C'est prévu pour le n°44 (nous en sommes qu'au n°41 donc c'est en gros pour dans 9 mois à un an).

Je n'ai trouvé que cela comme description, il n'y a pas de référence directe au système Bouddica sur le site ATO :

ATO #44 offers Vercingetorix, a new game by designer Richard Berg, that challenges players to unify Gaul in around the 1st Century B.C. from 2-4 players compete for power in all three of the main Gallic areas. The Romans and Germans are NOT active players, but introduced with random and temporary control to interfere with active player intentions.

« Quis custodiet ipsos custodes ? » Juvénal.


6Vercingetorix (ATO) Empty Re: Vercingetorix (ATO) Jeu 24 Oct 2013 - 18:32

pascal h

tant mieux, j'ai déjà atteint mon quota de jeux pour l'année.

7Vercingetorix (ATO) Empty Re: Vercingetorix (ATO) Jeu 24 Oct 2013 - 18:39



Semper Victor a écrit:C'est prévu pour le n°44 (nous en sommes qu'au n°41 donc c'est en gros pour dans 9 mois à un an).

Je n'ai trouvé que cela comme description, il n'y a pas de référence directe au système Bouddica sur le site ATO :

ATO #44 offers Vercingetorix, a new game by designer Richard Berg, that challenges players to unify Gaul in around the 1st Century B.C. from 2-4 players compete for power in all three of the main Gallic areas. The Romans and Germans are NOT active players, but introduced with random and temporary control to interfere with active player intentions.
en même temps ils ont l'air pas mal à la bourre dans leurs publications.. donc... 2015:P 

8Vercingetorix (ATO) Empty Re: Vercingetorix (ATO) Ven 25 Oct 2013 - 0:24

Semper Victor

Semper Victor

ATO a bien redressé la barre quant à la régularité de ses parutions depuis un an. Enfin, à suivre de toute manière...

« Quis custodiet ipsos custodes ? » Juvénal.


9Vercingetorix (ATO) Empty Re: Vercingetorix (ATO) Ven 25 Oct 2013 - 10:23



Semper Victor a écrit:ATO a bien redressé la barre quant à la régularité de ses parutions depuis un an. Enfin, à suivre de toute manière...
oui pas le feu au lac mais le 41 est censé être d'avril 2013

10Vercingetorix (ATO) Empty Re: Vercingetorix (ATO) Ven 25 Oct 2013 - 16:44



Semper Victor a écrit:ATO a bien redressé la barre quant à la régularité de ses parutions depuis un an. Enfin, à suivre de toute manière...
c'est par période en fin d'année 2 ou 3 numéros sortent dans un laps de 3 mois(déjà 2 numéro sortie en 2 mois le 39 et le 40)
j'ai vu cela en tant qu'abonné l'année dernière
A suivre....

11Vercingetorix (ATO) Empty Re: Vercingetorix (ATO) Mer 30 Oct 2013 - 11:31



His father's name was Celtillus,of a noble family and a chief of the Averni tribe of Gauls--a people with a remarkably sophisticated civilization and tradition as warriors and craftsmen, but fiercely resistant toward having a ruler at beyond the tribal level. Celtillus tried to assert authority to organize and ally the disparate tribes against Roman incursions, but tradition and habit were against him and he was killed by his own people.

But strife with Rome worsened, and his son elected to try again for tribal unification to survive against the two threats of voracious Rome and ambitious Julius Caesar. The son negotiated, inspired, made alliances, and finally took on the traditional title of "supreme warlord" that his father had died reaching for.

That title was "Vercingetorix," and he bore the title so well that people today think of it as his name (which we do not know).

But then, no Gaul ever bore the title again. Maybe you can change that.

ATO #44 offers Vercingetorix, a new game by designer Richard Berg, that challenges players to unify Gaul in around the 1st Century B.C. from 2-4 players compete for power in all three of the main Gallic areas. The Romans and Germans are NOT active players, but introduced with random and temporary control to interfere with active player intentions.

Players draw chits each turn to improve their holdings, begin campaigns, or obtain more tribal allies. Or, they may draw surprising "Opportunities" that allow them to interfere with other players' turns and even launch revolts that could suppress Roman activities and elevate player esteem.

Game length varies with number of players, but most games will last 2-3 hours.

The choice is yours. Can you make the title "Vercingetorix" your own?

Vercingetorix: The Twilight of the Gauls and issue #44 of ATO
Maps - One full color 22"x34" mapsheet
Counters - 280 full color 1/2" die-cut pieces
Cards: 20 Operation/Action cards
Rules length - 10 pages
Charts and tables - 1 page
Complexity - Low
Solitaire suitability - Low
Playing time - 3 to 4 hours


12Vercingetorix (ATO) Empty Re: Vercingetorix (ATO) Lun 13 Avr 2015 - 3:22



les pions
Vercingetorix (ATO) Verc_Front

la carte

Vercingetorix (ATO) VercLite

13Vercingetorix (ATO) Empty Re: Vercingetorix (ATO) Lun 13 Avr 2015 - 12:15



La carte est pas mal, les pions franchement moyens.

Contenu sponsorisé

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