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The Battle for Normandy Expansion

2 participants

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1The Battle for Normandy Expansion Empty The Battle for Normandy Expansion Mar 4 Juin 2013 - 13:50



bientôt sur nos étals
The Battle for Normandy Expansion Pic1671928_t

2 planches de pions
The Battle for Normandy Expansion Pic1670494_lg
The Battle for Normandy Expansion Pic1670497_lg

2The Battle for Normandy Expansion Empty Re: The Battle for Normandy Expansion Mar 4 Juin 2013 - 14:08

Semper Victor

Semper Victor

En quoi conssite l'extension ? Que couvre-t-elle ?

« Quis custodiet ipsos custodes ? » Juvénal.


3The Battle for Normandy Expansion Empty Re: The Battle for Normandy Expansion Mar 4 Juin 2013 - 14:13



elle étend la campagne jusqu'a fin aout

inclue 2 cartes permettant de jouer les scénarios Mortain et Falaise
The Battle for Normandy Expansion Pic863790


•1 Rulebook (color): Original rules plus updates and all addtional optional rules (40 pages - dated 2013)
•1 Scenario book (color): Originals plus 6 additional including Falaise Gap, Mortain and Operation Totalize - 12 scenarios in total (64 pages- dated 2013).
•Two full maps; the top halves of which will overlap Maps D & E, taking it just over a half map South. These will be back-printed with mid-map projections for scenarios• map ABC on one side / map G on other side
• map CE on one side / map F on other side

•1 8-1/2 x 11" color map section: (Utah Beach area) cardstock
•2 full countersheets (560 counters) - [...] counters to fill out the OOB to the end of August, optional type-specific breakdown counters (AT, SP AT, mech infantry, etc.) and replacements counters• 4 new German infantry divisions, 1 US infantry division, 1 US armored division, German coastal batteries Fire arc limited, Marker counters for optional rules (Weather forecast, Commando REM repl, CW/US air & supply allocation planning), errata counters (including counters published in C3I #24)
•Princess Irene Brigade & the Belgian brigade, "Tac Move" & "Isolated" markers, etc...

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