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La Bataille de Moeckern 1813

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1La Bataille de Moeckern 1813 Empty La Bataille de Moeckern 1813 Sam 7 Avr 2012 - 3:37

Dennis A. Spors

Dennis A. Spors

Marshal Enterprises Releases Third Free Game

La Bataille de Mockern Tackles Leipzig Battle

Marshal Enterprises has announced the release of its third free game in less than five months with the publication of La Bataille de Mockern on March 31, 2012.

The game, which is part of the Recession Series of Games released by Marshal Enterprises, covers the battle between the French under Marshal Marmont and the Russians and Prussians under General Yorck on October 16, 1813 and is considered part of the greater Battle of Nations which ended French rule in Germany during the Napoleonic period.

The game can be accessed and downloaded for free by visiting Marshal Enterprise website at Labataille.me and opening up the Recession Series II page. So far, nearly 2000 people have downloaded for free the previous two games, La Bataille de Halle and La Bataille de Raszyn.

The webpage has easy to access instructions for the printing of the color counters; maps and charts as well as the deluxe full color special rulebook which has such highlights as a historical reference chart; a Franco-German-English glossery of terms of important usage in 1813 and a historical commentary about the life of Marshal Marmont, one of Napoleon's most controversial marshals.

Mockern was the key battle at the northern end of the sprawling battlefield that is know as the Battle of Nations. The French, with a better than average corps under Marmont and a cavalry corps under General Arrighi, face Prussians under the soldier of fortune Yorck, and Russians under General Langeron. The French are charged with stopping the allied Army of Silesia from coming to the aid of the Army of Bohemia in the South. It was a bitter battle, with artillery duels and cavalry charges a plenty to make it an evenly matched contest.

Features rarely seen in Napoleonic games include the Fortified Town hexes in Mockern; French naval infantry; Prussian Landwehr cavalry and Wurtemburger cavalry that may defect in mid-battle.

When asked whether Marshal Enterprises choosing to do a part of the larger Battle of Nations with La Bataille de Mockern, had some significance for the future, one of the Marshal Enterprises' Household, Monte Mattson replied, "I am not at liberty to say."

Marshal Enterprises is a creative consortium of game designers and cultural commentators who remain the surviving designers of the original La Bataille system.

For further information about this release, contact jgsoto@labataille.me. Cool


2La Bataille de Moeckern 1813 Empty Re: La Bataille de Moeckern 1813 Sam 7 Avr 2012 - 16:49

Semper Victor

Semper Victor

Merci pour l'information.

« Quis custodiet ipsos custodes ? » Juvénal.


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