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Colenso 1899, Redverse Reverse (Legion Wargames)

Charles Antoine
7 participants

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Charles Antoine

Charles Antoine

Colenso 1899, Redverse Reverse (Legion Wargames) Pic351920

Colenso, en pre order chez legion games

A ma connaissance le seul jeu sur cette bataille de la guerre des Boers à ce jour
Jeu (en solitaire) de Geoff Noble, échelle compagnie/bataillon. D'après l'annonce la partie bien que difficile pour les casques coloniaux (genre course contre la montre), est jouable. En tout cas le challenge a l'air intéressant

Allatruc, un avis peut être ?

Dernière édition par Charles Antoine le Jeu 4 Mar 2010 - 13:06, édité 1 fois



Delui la m'interesse plus que celui des strings. Ca a l'air pas mal en effet.

A triumph of passion, a war to be won

Charles Antoine

Charles Antoine

Bizarre, ce genre de pions me rappelle quelque chose ... scratch

Colenso 1899, Redverse Reverse (Legion Wargames) Pic351932

Colenso 1899, Redverse Reverse (Legion Wargames) Pic351933

Y avait déjà des kampfgruppe chez les boers ? jocolor



Pour se remettre dans l'ambiance, le générique de ' Pour tout l'or du Transvaal ' ( Feuilleton en 6 épisodes de 55 minutes )

Thème : en 1900, en Afrique du Sud, les aventures d'un jeune médecin, Jacques Cernin, venu prendre possession d'une mine d'or que lui a légué un homme mort dans ses bras et qui va se trouver mêlé à la guerre des Boers, sanglant conflit mettant aux prises les Anglais et les Afrikaners, fermiers d'origine hollandaise.




J'espère que ça va être bien car j'adore la bataille et c'est un conflit très intéressant !

Charles Antoine

Charles Antoine

Saint-Thomas a écrit:Pour se remettre dans l'ambiance, le générique de ' Pour tout l'or du Transvaal ' ( Feuilleton en 6 épisodes de 55 minutes )

Thème : en 1900, en Afrique du Sud, les aventures d'un jeune médecin, Jacques Cernin, venu prendre possession d'une mine d'or que lui a légué un homme mort dans ses bras et qui va se trouver mêlé à la guerre des Boers, sanglant conflit mettant aux prises les Anglais et les Afrikaners, fermiers d'origine hollandaise.

Le lien fonctionne pas, c'était pas la série avec un blond barbu et un brun qui n'était autre que le père de Mélanie Doutey ?



Charles Antoine a écrit:Le lien fonctionne pas, c'était pas la série avec un blond barbu et un brun qui n'était autre que le père de Mélanie Doutey ?

C'était cette série : http://www.tele70.com/categorie-10066792.html avec Yves Rénier ...


Charles Antoine

Charles Antoine

Saint-Thomas a écrit:
Charles Antoine a écrit:Le lien fonctionne pas, c'était pas la série avec un blond barbu et un brun qui n'était autre que le père de Mélanie Doutey ?

C'était cette série : http://www.tele70.com/categorie-10066792.html avec Yves Rénier ...

C'est à peu près ce que je voulais dire ...

Ah, mais tu ne dis pas tout, surtout que l'excellente bande son avait été composée par Pierre Bachelet ... (Au nord,...)

Au final : "A notre connaissance, le feuilleton n'est disponible ni en VHS, ni en DVD."

Un grand merci pour cette info cruciale ... Whistling



Charles Antoine a écrit:
Saint-Thomas a écrit:
Charles Antoine a écrit:Le lien fonctionne pas, c'était pas la série avec un blond barbu et un brun qui n'était autre que le père de Mélanie Doutey ?

C'était cette série : http://www.tele70.com/categorie-10066792.html avec Yves Rénier ...

C'est à peu près ce que je voulais dire ...

Ah, mais tu ne dis pas tout, surtout que l'excellente bande son avait été composée par Pierre Bachelet ... (Au nord,...)

Au final : "A notre connaissance, le feuilleton n'est disponible ni en VHS, ni en DVD."

Un grand merci pour cette info cruciale ... Whistling

M'enfin ... !!!

Tu n'as pas d"autres sources que le VHS ( Whistling ) et le DVD ?
Tu me déçois ...


Ah j'oubliais ... si tu veux la bande son, je dois avoir un 78 tours à la maison ... Wink


Charles Antoine

Charles Antoine

Au temps pour moi, il s'agissait de Rush, l'acolyte d'Alain Doutey se nommait John Waters et l'action se passait dans le même hémisphère, mais un peu plus à l'est...


Charles Antoine

Charles Antoine

Saint-Thomas a écrit:

Ah j'oubliais ... si tu veux la bande son, je dois avoir un 78 tours à la maison ... Wink

Il ne rentrerait pas dans mon mange disques ...Wink

Colenso 1899, Redverse Reverse (Legion Wargames) Mangedisque



Charles Antoine a écrit:Au temps pour moi, il s'agissait de Rush, l'acolyte d'Alain Doutey se nommait John Waters et l'action se passait dans le même hémisphère, mais un peu plus à l'est...


Merci pour l'info Ludo !

Je vais essayer de trouver la version tournée en super 8 ...




Faut que je cherche cette série, ça a l'air sympathique !



Bon alors qui a testé et peut nous faire un mini-CR ?

15Colenso 1899, Redverse Reverse (Legion Wargames) Empty Redverse Reverse Ven 21 Oct 2011 - 19:35

Kim Kanger

Kim Kanger

Redverse Reverse, the battle of Colenso 1899 (http://www.legionwargames.com/legion_redvers_reverse.html).
I will be working on this great game as developer. The designer is Geoff Noble and this is what he writes about his game:

"It is time high that some of the design philosophy is explained to help everyone better understand the game mechanics and why they have been selected. This will not be a comprehensive explanation of the rules but rather an explanation of why certain key game mechanics have been selected.

To set the scene I’ll start with the current description on the Legion company website:-

On the 15th December 1899 General Sir Redvers Buller tried to cross the Thukela River in order to relieve the Siege of Ladysmith. He was faced by well entrenched Boer commandoes who inflicted a reverse upon the British that ultimately led to Buller being relieved of command. Redvers Reverse is a solitaire area movement game that recreated the difficulties for the British in trying to affect a successful crossing of the Thukela against the Boer commandoes (who are played by the game system). The key feature of the game is to present the player with the problems and difficulties that Buller himself faced. The player is provided with the same level of information and ability to influence events.

In this post I’ll cover four key components of the game:

The Confidence Track, Ford Locations, Command Phase and the Variable Boer Combat Values.

1. Confidence Track. This is a measure of the confidence felt by the Boer during the battle and the likelihood of them retreating. History has largely forgotten the high state of nervousness in the Boer command prior to battle. From my readings I am very doubtful if the Boer would have faced the British at all if it was not for the strong personality of Botha. The Confidence track goes up incrementally each turn, it also goes up ever time the Boer have a measured battlefield success and goes down everytime the British have a measured battlefield success. When the confidence marker and the turn marker are in the same box, or the turn marker is in a high box, then there is a possible ’Shaken’ result against the Boer. As the British need to get two ‘Shaken’ results to win the game then it can be seen that the British are in a race against time in order to win. Boer morale will increase the longer the battles go on, this reflects what actually occurred.

2. Ford Location. The British did not reconnoiter the battlefield well before hand. As a result they were unclear as to the location of the fords and how practical they were to be used. This is reflected simply in the game by making the likelihood of finding each ford dependant on a hidden marker placed on each prior to the game start. Each marker is revealed when a British unit moves adjacent; it is a value against which two dice are thrown. If the die role succeeds the ford is found and can be used, if the die role fails the units planning on crossing must used the next nearest ford regardless of consequences.

3. Command. There a number of phases to command but in essence Brigades are sent orders, in the form of Objective areas. When the orders are received there is the possibility that the Leader of the Brigade will ‘Ignore’, ‘March to the Guns’ as well as doing as Commanded. Each leader has a lettered rating that provides a die roll modify to the Command acceptance role. As is clear from the history of the battle Buller did not have full control and the Command rules reflect that. Initiative is possible but has down sides.

4. Variable Boer Combat values. When the battle commenced the British has very little idea as to the location of the Boer. In order to reflect this in game turns I went for a variable Boer strength system. This means that when determining Boer fire strength three numbers are added to together – the base strength of the unit (printed on the counter), a negative figure for each lose inflected by the British player and a variable strength marker which is changed every turn after that unit fires. This means the player is never sure of the Boer strength in a particular location. They weren’t on the day so this has sound reasoning; based on the actual battle.

The net result of these 4 rules is that no two games will play the same. This has the obvious benefit of making the game replayable without becoming predictable. What works so well, I think, is that the reasoning in each case is soundly based on the reality of the battlefield.

There are other factors I would like to touch upon at a later date – Cavalry, Guns and under what circumstances the Boer units are released are three of those. I will post more at a latter date

The intent is that the player wins about 30% of the time. Play testing is intended to ensure that occurs. Any questions just ask."



Too bad it is a solo game ... Sad


Kim Kanger

Kim Kanger

Solitaire games are a bit special, but my goal is to produce a game with a high replay value.

Charles Antoine

Charles Antoine

Pareil que Desaix, je suis intéressé par le thème mais déçu qu'il s'agisse d'un jeu solo.

Est-ce parce que la bataille est à ce point déséquilibrée ?

Merci Kim pour ta réponse

Kim Kanger

Kim Kanger

I believe the battle would be difficult to make into a two-player game simply because the Boer side didn't move much and their losses were ridiculously low. It was a giant ambush and playing the Boer side would be boring I fear. One way could be to construct the solitaire system in such a way that you feel that you try a certain strategy to see if that works, and if it doesn't that you then can play again and try another one.

This sounds simple enough but in order to work you have to have a mix of parameters in the system so that you can produce strategy A, B, C and so forth by mixing these parameters in different ways. This and the fact that the game has to be fast to play so that you have the time to test two game sessions in an evening, or a game session each, if you are two players. So that one can see who played the better game (you could also cooperate in the same game session).

It is a bit early to give any details, but I hope to achieve this.

Charles Antoine

Charles Antoine

Thank you Kim for your so detailed answer

Kim Kanger a écrit: [...]
(you could also cooperate in the same game session).

So, would it be possible for two players to play the same (english) side ?

Kim Kanger

Kim Kanger

I don't know yet, but I like the idea. We shall see what we can do.

Kim Kanger

Kim Kanger

Example of counter art

Colenso 1899, Redverse Reverse (Legion Wargames) Example

Kim Kanger

Kim Kanger

Counter art

Colenso 1899, Redverse Reverse (Legion Wargames) Royal_dragoons



That's good looking!

Kim Kanger

Kim Kanger

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