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L'Estafette - Histoire & Wargames

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Dernieres nouvelle de chez Worthington

2 participants

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1Dernieres nouvelle de chez Worthington Empty Dernieres nouvelle de chez Worthington Dim 18 Oct 2009 - 20:42



Il il y a des titres intéressants dans el calendrier de cette éditeur...
Ça va être des jeux légères comme d'habitude mais cela peut être pas mal du tout avec un peu de chance...

Il y a ...

Guns of August – Grant Wylie, Mike Wylie

Guns of August uses Richard Berg’s system from MedWar Sicily to portray the opening months of WWI on the West Front beginning in August and lasting until November. The game uses a hex map to show the front from Germany to west of Paris. Turns represent 5-7 days and units are division size. Cards give each side the unique opportunities and equipment present such as the German Siege Guns, etc.

Can you execute the German wheel maneuver through Belgium and France better than Moltke? The decisions are yours……..

ALESIA will explore the Roman siege of Alesia and the Gaul relief attempt in 52 BC.
Caesar with his well trained legions (60,000 men) are laying siege to 60,000 Gaul warriors located at the town of Alesia which is virtually impregnable to attack.
Vercingetorix with 80,000 hungry warriors are waiting for the relief army of up to 250,000 warriors to attack the Romans and turn the tide of the rebellion.

As the Roman player you must juggle your men between your inner and outer siege lines fighting to keep the relief army out and the besieged army in. Speed of movement and your better trained troops are your strength. Can you use them to your advantage to repeat Caesar's greatest victory!

As the Gaul player you must decide where is the best place to attack with your relief army. You can move around the outer works to attack a weaker defended area but it will take time you may not have. And as the besieged forces do you attack where your relief army is attacking to coordinate your assault or attack the opposite side of the Roman works where hopefully the defense is weaker? The decisions are yours...

Scenarios will be playable in 1 to 2 hours. The game will come with mounted map, thick large counters, rules, and dice.




Guns of August et Alésia, comme c'est innovant !

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