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News de chez Firefigth

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1News de chez Firefigth Empty News de chez Firefigth Lun 20 Avr 2009 - 10:54



Perry a l'air reparti sur la 2eme GM... Sleep

Next Up: Panzer Corridor 1940

This is one of history's greatest what if's, and soon, there will be a game. It is about the allied counterattack from Arras (which historically occurred) and the French army south of the Somme, some 40 miles away. This game supposes the attack began on the 22nd, which was the soonest and included the units that historically attacked near Cambrai, which nearly retook the city. Should be some wild fun!

News de chez Firefigth Pzcorrcounter


2News de chez Firefigth Empty Re: News de chez Firefigth Lun 20 Avr 2009 - 11:12



Ah! Vive Powerpoint !

3News de chez Firefigth Empty Re: News de chez Firefigth Lun 20 Avr 2009 - 19:15



Plus de détails...

Firefight's next upcoming release is perhaps the most intriguing WW2 "what if" game. The stage is set when the planned British counterattack at Arras with armor is postponed one day to allow the remaining French forces to attack towards Cambrai. Further south, the French 7th Army is ready to attack northwards from the Amiens area (40 miles away) to meet the Allied forces attacking southward. In between are five panzer divisions but most are westward.
This was historically the ONLY chance to cut off the German panzer spearhead. The flanks were not strongly defended and both sides knew it.
The what if is really historical. The French did attack and almost retook Cambrai on the 22nd. The British did attack on the 21st and were only stopped by Rommel's four 88mm guns. The soonest the 7th Army could be ready to attack was the 22nd, yet, it did not do so until the 25th or so.


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