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L'Estafette - Histoire & Wargames

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Ventes chez MMP

2 participants

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1Ventes chez MMP Empty Ventes chez MMP Mer 19 Nov 2014 - 9:07



Des prix vraiement interessants :

Advanced Squad Leader
Action Pack 5: East Front - $19.00
Action Pack 6: A Decade of War - $19.00
Scenario Pack: Turning The Tide - $12.00
Scenario Pack: Rivers to the Reich - $12.00
Scenario Pack: Best of Friends - $9.00
Journal #2 (Reprint) - $26.00
Journal #10 - $16.00
Out of the Attic #2 - $11.00
Blood Reef: Tarawa Gamer's Guide - $9.00
Civil War Brigade Series
In Their Quiet Fields 2 - $19.00
April's Harvest - $16.00
Napoleonic Brigade Series
Marengo - $15.00
Talavera - $15.00
Tactical Combat Series
Leros - $27.00
Operational Combat Series
Guderian's Blitzkrieg II (Reprint) - $88.00
The Blitzkrieg Legend - $60.00
Standard Combat Series
Guadalajara - $19.00
Rock of the Marne - $22.00
Karelia '44 - $23.00
Heights of Courage - $22.00
Operations Special Edition #2 - $20.00
Special Ops #1 - $13.00
Special Ops #2 - $13.00
Special Ops #3 - $13.00
Special Ops #4 - $13.00
Great Campaigns of the American Civil War
Stonewall Jacksons Way 2 - $46.00
Battle Above the Clouds - $46.00
Grand Tactical Series
Where Eagles Dare - $88.00
No Question of Surrender - $38.00
International Game Series
Angola - $42.00
The Tide at Sunrise - $22.00
King Philip's War - $23.00
A Most Dangerous Time - $36.00
Storm Over Stalingrad - $23.00
War of the Suns - $88.00
Miscellaneous and Non-Series Games
The Kingdom of Heaven - $40.00
Lincoln's War - $40.00
Breakthrough: Cambrai - $26.00



2Ventes chez MMP Empty Re: Ventes chez MMP Mer 19 Nov 2014 - 11:24



oui mais les frais sont trés élevés pour l'europe Wink

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