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GT58 op'stage one, air and movement phase

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Crusader scenario, GT58 op'stage one.

For this Air phase, the Axis player has: 35* 109 F, 20* 110 C, 48* Ju87 D available in Africa. Plus 26* Ju 88 D and 15* Ju 88 C in Crete. (Planes in Crete must spent 4 op'stages of each month to harass the Allies in Egypt. This is done off play. Being on the last week of the month, that requirement has already being done as so the planes in Crete can operate in the tactic phase of the game).

All Dive-bombers to Tobruk airfield in two waves plus strafing protected by all available fighters. All planes from Crete to Cairo in two waves plus strafing protected by the Ju 88 C.

The Allies has: 16* Beauf IC, 80* Hu I, 16* Blen IV'F, 16* Kitty I, 54* Hu II A and 72* Tom in Tobruk. Bombers are: 106* Blen IV, 24* Boston, 90* Well IC.

Scheduled attacks are:
3 waves of Well IC to pin down the 15th Panzer division, protected by 16* Beauf IC and 18* Blen IV'F.
2 waves of Blen IV and Boston to attack the dump at Bardia protected by 52* Hu I.
Protections are as follow: Alexandria: 28* Hu I on scramble.
Fuka airfield: 27* Hu II A on scramble
Maaten: 27 Hu II A from Fuka
Cairo: 16* Kitty I from Alexandria
Tobruk: 72* Tom

Cairo: The 15 Ju 88 C are protecting the dive-bombers and firefight with the 16 Kitty I.
Results are: the airfield lost 3 levels, the Allies losse 3* Kitty I, 2* Beauf IC, 11* Well IC (on returning, many Well IC land in fact in Alexandria so they wont be available for next turn, waiting for their SGSU's to arrive). There are now only three squadrons operational at the airfield reduced to 3 levels (one of Beauf IC and two of Well IC).
The Axis loose 1* Ju 88 C.

The Well IC are attacking the 15 Panzer division, no air protection for the Axis, just AA from the division. Pinning down of 18 units out of 20. The 15 Panzer will be inoperative for the German as an attack force on Tobruk.
Results: loss of 3* Well IC, 2* Beauf IC, 1* Blen IV'F.

Attack of Bardia dump. No air protection and no AA. Results: 70% or the dump is destroyed (70 Ammo, 1229 Fuel, 260 Stores ; all equivalent to 694 tons of supplies).

Attack of Tobruk airfield:
Airfield loss is of 3 levels. Loss of 35* Tom of which 6 are recovered and 3* 2pilots of which 1 is recovered. There are now 3 squadrons of Tom operating from the reduced airfield of 3 levels.
Axis losses: 2* 109 F (one recovered), 3* 110 C (two recovered), 1* 2pilot (one recovered), 2* 87D.

GT58 op'stage 1, land movement: (The 15th Panzer division can't do anything during the Axis playing turn as it is pinned down, except using ½ of it cpa -All the battalions of 32nd Army Tank brigade and of the 16th Infatnry brigade are shell, so they have no ZOC). Axis choose to move first. In so doing they have two movement and two combat phases in a row.

90 Le, plus the 155th Infantry Brigade and one Arty battalion of the Arko attcking what remain of 32nd Army Tank brigade alongside the 16th Infantry brigade. Again the Axis Arty is meant to destroy one level of fortifications. Fortifications are now to level 0.

90 Le has 99 raw points in assault and Allies has 28 raw points.
10-3 = 7 -1 morale Allies (cohesion wasn't affected by the minus 3 earned on previous assault), +3 for size, +2 for double raw points difference, +1 for Axis morale, +2 for Rommel leading the attack. It's an overrun situation.
Axis dice is “66”, nothing happen.
Allies dice is”25”: 40% casualties + captured (dice is “5”, so 50% captured) and 1 Hex retreat.
Axis captured 1* Matilda and 1* Infantry.
32nd Army Tank Brigade and 16th Infantry brigade both retreat in Tobruk. They're both shell, so have both a stacking value of 0 as all their battalions are also shell. Cohesion is taking again minus 3 for loosing more than 30% casualties, so both are now at minus 6.

Ariete + Brescia + ½ of Trento division against 70th Infantry division:
Axis Arty reduces one level of fortifications. Fortifications are now to level 0.
70th BAR is null
The Axis group BAR is 16, dice is “55”.
70th AT is 12, dice is “16”, Axis is loosing 5* M13/40.
Axis group AT is “64” raw points but no Armor unit present so “32” raw will serve in assault.
70th DEF is 9, Axis ASS is 25.
25 – 9 = 14 +0 morale Axis, -1 morale Allies, +1 size, +2 raw double raw points difference. It's an overrun situation.
Axis dice is “41”, nothing happen.
Allies dice is “26”: 40% casualties + captured (dice is “4”, so 50% is captured), and 1 Hex retreat.
Axis captured: 1* 2p, 6* 25p, 10* Inf). Cohesion in now minus 3 for taking more than 30% casualties and the 70th Infantry division retreats in Tobruk.

Trieste and ½ Trento Infantry divisions are attacking the Polish brigade and 23rd Infantry Brigade:
Trieste BAR is “17” directed agaisnt the fortifications, dice is “23”, reducing one level. Fortifications are now to level 0.
Allies BAR is null.
Trieste AT is “65” raw points but no Arm unit, so “32” raw points will serve in assault.
Allies AT is “16”, so 2. Dice is “46”. Minus 4 Arm protection: -1* M13/40 and 1* BRS infantry.
Trieste assault is 17. Allies defense is 8.
17 – 8 = 9 +0 morale Axis, -1 morale Allies, +2 for size, +2 for double raw points difference. It's an overrun situation.
Axis dice is “41”, nothing happen.
Allies dice is “61”, 15% casualties, plus captured (dice is “6” so 75% are captured) plus one Hex retreat.
The Axis captured: 4* Inf, 1* 2p, 2* 25p, 1* 18p.
Tha Allies retreat in Tobruk.

That put an end to 58/1 Axis movement and combat.

58/1, Allies movement and combat.

I had a total shock! I sent the 7th Armored division to attack the Italian Pavia Infantry thinking of crushing it wihile the Allies Commander reorganize fully its poor lonely troops here and there. So, here I am thinking of crushing the poor Pavia division.
7th Arm BAR is 10, dice is “46” so one Inf battalion is pinned down
Pavia BAR is 13, dice is “55”, so one Infantry battalion is pinned down with the loss of one truck.
7th Arm assault is 16 but because of the armor effect assault rule, 16 is to take out so the attack is at 0 (zero)!!!
Pavia DEF is 5, so the assault for the Allies would be @-5! Even with +1 for Italian morale and +1 for Allies morale, the final outcome is stil @ -3! Really?

At that point, I decided to freeze the two movement phases of the Allies of 57/3 and 58/1 and to redo it totally taking into account the total desorganization of the Allies. I read again carefully all rules regarding formations and attachments and did again two Organization phases and two Movement phases. A wee bit different that what I play before. I know, it's “out” of the rules, but is there any point in continuing playing with such a heavy disavantage? How can you plan a military attack (Crusader) and have to reorganize all armor troops -divisions and brigades- at the same time?

The Allies (British as it is), are operating with Tanks as ships in the desert (I've read it somewhere I remember) and alone with no Infantry support at all, which is totally wrong. The Axis, on the contrary are operating 90% of the situations with full augmented divisions. He (Rommel) is only using battlegroups when feasable, necessary or to take advantage of of a particuliar situation.

That put an end to GT58/1.

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