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GT36 report, end of Desert Fox scenario, fact/figures for the scenario

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GT 36 is now over. How the last GT of this scenario went?

Malta: Level I. Dice =”7” so no Air.

GT36/1: Weather Rainstorm. Axis receives again 44000 tons: 5100 to Tobruk, 7500 to Benghasi, the rest to Tripoli. Replacements are as follow: 10*Inf, 1*Recce, 1*75/18 H, 2*M13/40 and 60 medium trucks.

The Bristish receives 15*Inf, 1*LAA, 2*25p, 2*2p, 2*Recce, 3*Stuart and 72 medium trucks.

Air phase:  Weather Rainstorm on map C and D. No Air

Movement: nothing much for the entire GT, Axis choose to clear the minefields and minor fight went on.  

GT36/2: Weather is normal.

GT36/3: Weather is a sandstorm on map C and D again.

GT36 is now over, moving to the end of Desert Fox scenario.

Time for facts as I have writen down quite everything. The crucial problem in the real life of Rommel and his troops was supplies from start to beginning. So, the Quartermaster did his work with the entire cooperation of everey branch of the Army and/or nationality. Malta have been neutralized for the whole scenario so everything arrived safely and in abundance in Africa. That's a real change compared to the  real situation in 1941.  And that made the difference here.

Remember, at start, supplies were as follows :

Ammo: 4 000 points (1 500 at Tripoli) – Fuel: 12 600 points (3 000 at Tripoli) – Stores: 1 450 points (500 at Tripoli) – Water: 1 100 points (Unlimited at Tripoli).

What have been used (not included what have been lost thru GB bombing of Axis dumps):

.................................................Ammo:                    Fuel        Stores
Troops and 1st line trucks.............3 665                  58 816        30 253
2nd line trucks...................................................92 288
POW, Guards, replacements....................................4 089         3 020
Air...............................................732..................3 770         1 058
Constructions................................300..................1 000         2 580
Spill and hot weather..........................................117 048
Total.........................................4 697                277 011       36 911

All of which represent 90 326 tons of supplies.

The Axis received 240 403 tons of supplies and 51 597 tons of replacements points and trucks.

During this particular game of CNA scenario, Rommel was happy.

For the replacements received, figures are as follow (all Italian):

100 * Inf + 10* Inf (POW liberated) of which 45* Inf are still available for use as replacement. Most being used to revamp the Sabrata Infantry Division.
1* Recce
6* LAA
3* HAA
3* 47/32 (all used)
2* 65/17 (all used)
3* 76/27 (all used)
2* 75/18 H (all used)
5* 100/17 H (all used)
1* 105/28
16* CV33
1* L6/40
16* M13/40 (10 still available plus 6 on repair in Tobruk)
655 Trucks (reinforcements and replacements).

The Axis captured (and put to good use) Allies TOE of:

7* Recce (3 lost trying repairing – 3 still available)
3* VI light (2 lost trying reparing – 1 still available)
5* A 13 (1 lost trying repairing – 4 still available)
9* 2p (5 still available at the end of GT36)
6* 25p (0 still available at the end of GT36)
2* 60p (0 still available at the end of GT36)
7* LAA (7 still available at the end of GT36)
3* HAA (0 still available at the end of GT36)
200 Trucks of all type.
Ammo: 1 400 – Fuel: 6 000 – Stores: 1 500.

All of non available captured TOE went to Axis battalions.

Axis troops as stated on German organization at arrival chart except as follow

15th Panzer division (cohesion +3) : II/115 Schutzen battalion U@ 6, 33 Arty regiment 2*15 Med Inf Gun + 4* 25p, I/115 Arty battalion 4* 7,5 Lt Inf Gun + 2* 25p.
Detached: 33rd Aufklarungs reco battalion, 200th Schutzen regiment HQ with the 15th Kradschutzen battalion.
Attached: Arko 104 Arty HQ with 408 SP Arty battalion and 362 Arty battalion, 7th and 8th Oasis battalions.
Trucks: 20 light, 64 medium, 31 heavy.

5th Leichte Panzer division (cohesion +3): Detached: 33rd Aufklarungsreco battalion (U@ 7 + 1*GB recce) -for the record, one recce TOE strenght point was used to create Die Sonderkommando Almasy, a unit with the same capabilities of an LRDG unit. Attached: 523rd, 529th, 532nd Arty Coastal Defense Arty battalions, 1st and 2nd Oasis battalions.
Trucks: 28 light, 83 medium, 23 heavy.  

90th Leichte Infantry division: only the 155th Schutzen regiment is present with the 90th pioneer battalion. Trucks: 3 light, 16 medium, 7 heavy.

155th Arty regiment (arrived GT35/3): I and III/155 Arty batallions (the 2nd being the I/75 Arty battalion actualy with the 5th Leichte Panzer division. It will be renamed on rejoining the regiment.

Marks with 3rd and 33rd Aufklarengs reco battalions. Trucks: 5 light, 6 medium, 7 heavy.
Graf with the 200th Schutzen regiment HQ and the 15th Kradschutzen battalion. Trucks: 3 light, 12 medium, 4 heavy.

All reamining Oasis infantry batatlions (8 in total) on duty on watch at airfields and/or crossroads.

Ariete Armor division (cohesion +3): no longer attached are the I and II (L) armor batallions. On duty elsewhere for what  they're worth. Trucks: 20 light, 119 medium.

Trento Infantry division (cohesion +3): 2nd anti-tank battalion with now 6* 47/32 and 2* 2p, 46th Arty regiment with now 6* 75/27, 3* 100/17 H, 3* HAA. Attached: XXV corp Arty, V (M) armor battalion, 17th and 55th anti-tank companies from Pavia and Savona Infantry divisions. Trucks: 35 light, 171 medium.

Sabratha Infantry division (now totally to full strengh): 85th and 86th Infantry HQ now with 1* 75/18 H each, 60th anti-tank company with 2* 2p, 42nd Arty regiment with 2* 60p, 3* 75/27, 3* 25p, 1* 100/17H, 3* captured GB HAA. Attached: X corp Arty regiment, I(L) tank battalion, 25th and 27th anti-tank companies from Bologna and Savona Infantry divisions. Trucks: 101 light, 67 medium.

Pavia, Bologna, Brescia, Savona Infantry divisions: Detached: their anti-tank companies and the pionner battalion of the Savona, no attached troops. Trucks (each) 8 light, 25 medium.  

7th and 9th CCNN regiments both with 3 light and 10 medium trucks on duty on active arfields.

32nd and 33rd Infantry batallions on duty on active airfields as well. No truck.

The CCNN battalions are used to garrison airfields doing their best to avoid LRDG raids on grounded planes.

I, II, III, IV Arty batallions of the 2nd Arty Ragruppamento regiment are all but the IVth at Tripoli. The IVth being at Tobruk. No truck.

II (L) armor battalion is at Bardia. No truck.

XXI (M) armor battalion is still independent, going generally alongside and stacked when permitted by terrain with an Italian division. No truck. Supplied by the unit it is stacked with.

Battlegroup: (The Italians can only operate two such groups at the same time in the entire game of CNA).
the pionner battalion of the Savona Infantry division. Trucks: 3 light, 5 medium, 3 heavy.

Note: the battlegroups are used not only for evident combat purposes but to participate to the fog of war as what units are part of such a group. There is no gain in giving obvious intelligence in the desert to your opponent by not so doing.

Allies troops as stated on Allies organization at arrival chart except as follow

2nd Armor division: surrendered at start of the scenario, being wiped out by Rommel attack.

9th Australian Infantry division: surrendered at Tobruk (The divisional HQ was evacuated on time.

7th Armor division:  3rd RHA now U@ 2* 2p. Attached: 64th Med Arty regiment, 1st South Staffordshires Infantry batallion. Trucks: 12 light, 100 medium.

70th Infantry division HQ withdrawn GT36/3: only the 14th Infantry regiment (minus its anti-tank company), 1st Essex Infantry battalion. Attached: 65th anti-tank batallion U@ 3* 2p. Trucks: 8 light, 40 medium.

150th Infantry Brigade: Trucks: 40 medium.

1st Army (Armor) Brigade: minus 42nd RTR. Trucks: 6 light, 29 medium.

1st Armor Brigade: No tank... Used for training purposes and not to be use as proper troops until GT72.

4th Indian Infantry division: minus the 5th Indian Infantry brigade (withdrawn again on GT36/1). Assigned: 106th anti-tank battalion U@ 4* 2p, 52nd LAA. Attached: 8 Med Arty regiment. Trucks: 25 light, 102 medium.

3rd Indian Motor brigade: minus 2nd Field Arty regiment. Assigned: 8th Field Arty regiment. Attached: 57th LAA. Trucks: 3 light 28 medium.

9th Australian Infantry division (now totally revamped): 18th Infantry regiment, 22nd Infantry regiment, 2/1 Australian anti-tank battalion, 2/3 Field Arty battalion, 7th Australian Cavalry regiment, 1/1st Australian Machine gun batallion. Assigned: 4th Field Arty regiment, 1st RHA Arty regiment, 1st LAA. Attached: 51st Field Arty regiment, 71rd anti-tank regiment. Trucks 28 light 150 medium.

2nd New Zealand Infantry division: All Infantry battalions arrived U@ 2 , 4th Infantry Brigade have all battalions @ 6, 5th Infantry brigade have all battalions U@ 5, 6th Infantry brigade have all battalions U@ 3. Trucks: 28 light, 100 medium, 12 heavy.

1st South Africa Infantry division (morale -3): All but its Arty and AA.

2nd South Africa Infantry division (morale -1): Only the 6th South Africa Infantry regiment.

Polish Brigade: All Infantry batallions U@ 4. Attached: 11th Czech Infantry batallion, 1st French Mtr Marine Company. Trucks: 8 light, 42 medium.

Layforce batallion, 2/5th Mahratta light infantry batallion, 7th Medium Arty regiment at Alexandria , 1st Royal Reco batallion as covering the South, 4th RTR operating with the Polish Brigade,  13th, 37th LAA and 61st HAA at Alexandria.

The Fleet have lost: BB Queen Elisabeth, DD Bedouin, Marne, Partridge.

All troops deployed at the start of the Desert Fox scenario and not mentioned here are casualties of war.

One Long Range Desert Group (LRDG) is operative.

Supplies for the Allies player being no problem, it will not be mentioned here.  

The Allies player received  replacements and the situation is as follow:

81 * INF (15 are still available at the end of GT36).
10 * Recce (4 are still available at the end of GT36).
10 * LAA (4 are still available at the end of GT36).
1 * HAA (1 is still available at the end of GT36).
28 * 25p (3 are still available at the end of GT36).
8 * 2p  (none available at the end of GT36).
9 * Mk VI light (5 are still available at the end of GT36).
3 * A9 (2 are still available at the end of GT36).
5 * A10 (5 are still available at the end of GT36).
6 * A13 (6 are still available at the end of GT36).
22 * Crus I (22 are still available at the end of GT36).
29 * Matilda (25 are still available at the end of GT36).
6 * Stuart (6 are still available at the end of GT36).
82 * trucks of all type not counting the ones arrived with troops. (all included with units at the end of GT36).

For the tanks, figures are inclusive of the “Tiger convoy” on GT32.

For 2nd line trucks, the Allies player has 455 trucks of all types.

Air Game:


                  @start map @start Malta reinf. Total   Actual Withdrawn Losses

Hu I                 31            24             199     254     96        12         146
Tom                  0              0              58       58     15         12          31
Swordfish           0              0              10       10       0          0         10
Beauf MK1 F       0              0              12       12     10          0           2
Beauf MK4 F       0              0                7        7       3          0           4
Glad                  0              0                5        5       5         0           0
Maryland           0              4               19       23     10         0           13
Lysander          12              0              18       30     18          0           12
Sunderland         0              4                0        4       3         0             1
Blen I               0              0               38       38       0        12          26
Blen IV            15              0              19       34      19          0          15
Well I               0            12               18       30        7         0           23
Well IV             0              0                9       29       15         0           14

Malta has actually 34 * Hu I, 5 * Lysander, 3 * Sunderland (included in above figures). No more AA on the island.

@startmap @start IT/Sic reinf. Total Actual Losses

CR 42 61         0                        18  79  69         10
CR 42 as  0         0                        12  12  12   0
G 50 62         0                        36  98  74 24
C 200          0         0                        32  32  32   0
BR 20  1         0                        24  25  20   5
SM 79 30         0                        42  72  72   0
Z 1007b  1         0                          0    1    1   0
BA 65  0         0                        12   12   12   0
Ro 37b  0         0                        24   24  23   1
Ca 311  0         0                        18   18  13   5
Z 501  0         0                        12   12  12     0
SM 81  0         0                        12    12  11   1

@startmap @start IT/Sic reinf.   Total Actual Losses

Bf 110 C 62   0                    30    92         64  28
Bf 109 E  0   0            106  106         96  10  
FW 200 C  0  15       0    15         15    0    
He 111         0    0              18    18         18    0  
Ju 87 B 15  30      51    96         77  19      
Ju 88 D  9  27      30    66         60    6      
Hs 126 12    0        0    12         12    0
Ju 52  0    0       27    27         27    0

Actually in Sicily/Italy: 12 * SM 79, 23 * Ro 37b, 12 * CR 42 as, 77 * Ju 87 B, 15 * Ju 88 D, 27 * Ju 52.

Actually in Crete: 30 * Ju 88 D, 18 * He 111, 15 * FW 200 C.

For supplying the airfields there are seven convoys or each 5 light and 12 medium trucks.

For 2nd and 3rd line trucks the Axis player have 26 light, 860 medium, 144 heavy trucks. Plus in repair in workshop are 17 light, 64 medium, 12 hevy trucks.

That's all Folks! See you for the 3rd scenario: “Operation Crusader”. I need time to organize all of that.  thumbs up (I've tried my best with the page settings... affraid )

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