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Convention UGG - 16-17/08/2014 (Bedburg - D)

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UGG (Udo Grebe Gamedesigns), l'éditeur et distributeur allemand de Wargames (notamment GMT), organise sa première convention à Bedburg (100 km de Liège, entre Aix-la-Chapelle et Cologne), le WE des 16-17 août prochains.

Les infos en anglais sur le site de l'éditeur:
http://www.ugg.de et cliquer sur Efrtkongress (il y a une trad en anglais sur la page même de la convention).

UGG a écrit:
"Erftkongress" (Erft-Convention) August 16 and 17 2014

Confirmed! Participants mimimuim goal achieved!


Dear Customers,

We arrange the first Erft-Convention from August 16 till 17 2014 in Bedburg, Germany.
A minimum participation of twenty persons is needed. If you intend to participate in the first UGG convention ever, please confirm your participation till May 31st (by letter or e-mail).

The participation fee is 12,50 € for both days. The lunch buffet on Sunday, August 17 2014 will costs 15 € additionally.

Just bring your games! We supply some as well.


Restaurant La Piazza

Hauptstr. 83

50181 Bedburg- Kaster


(Special Convention Room for up to 40 participants)

Starguest Emanuele Santandrea, from VentoNuovo Games Italy.

Emanuele will test and demonstrate with his friends the full package of Blocks in the West, Blocks in the East and the Africamodule (still in development).

Convention Schedule
Saturday August 16
Beginn: 14:00 - End: open
- Presentation of new UGG-Gameprojects
- Cosim-Games
- " sale from stock " of Cosim-Games at Top conditions

Sunday August 17
Beginn: 10:00 - End: open
- Introduction of "Fortress Sevastopol" by Christian Diedler
- Cosim-Games
- Common Lunch (Buffet with meat, fish, vegetables etc.)
- Cosim-Games - "little lottery"
- Expedition of the nearby village of the medieval center of Kaster

If you need a hotel room we can assist you in booking. Furthermore we can supply a list of interesting excursion destinations.

The final Convention Schedule and the exact loaction will be announced in a separate letter.

Looking forward to your response and a stunning "Cosim"- Weekend with you.

Best Regards

(Udo Grebe)

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