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Calendrier TCS

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1Calendrier TCS Empty Calendrier TCS Lun 1 Juin 2009 - 20:31



Donc les prochains projets de jeux imprimables de Roberto sont :

Somewhere far beyond: the battle of Prairie Grove

It is the second entry in the system premiered several years ago by the well-received Innocence Lost: First Bull Run.

Pastrengo, Enemy Mine
(the Wars of Rome against Parthia)

Thy kingdom come (the making of the state of Israel in the time of Saul, David and Solomon)

Soul of the Braves
(the epic of the Alamo)

The Battle of Ayryn Woods
(a free fantasy game adapting the Battles of the Middle Ages system to a fictional setting)

The first entry in the Thirty Years War battles series (the natural evolution of the ECW very well received system - probably the first battle depicted will be Dessau or possibly White Mountain).


2Calendrier TCS Empty Re: Calendrier TCS Lun 1 Juin 2009 - 21:00



C'est où ? Surtout les Parthes et Alamo ?

3Calendrier TCS Empty Re: Calendrier TCS Lun 1 Juin 2009 - 21:06



Tout sortira sur www.wargamedownloads.com ....



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